Friday, February 16, 2007


A--Available, Married or Single: MARRIED
B--Best friend: Mat, of course, and Holly
C--Cake or Pie: Pie...and make it Dutch Apple
D--Drink of Choice: diet Pepsi
E--Essential item you use everyday: MY COMPUTER
F--Favorite Color: Pink
G--Gummy bears or worms: worms...sour ones
H--Hometown: Plattsmouth, Nebraska
I--Indulgence: housekeeper, Diane
J--January or February: January, my b-day month
K--Kids and names: Dylan, Tommy, Karli, and Abby
L--Life is incomplete without: lots of noise in the house
M--Marriage Date: 8/9/97
N--Number of siblings: 2
O: Oranges or apples: apples
P--Phobias or fears: Phobias: dogs I don't know...they scare me when they look at me. Weird, I know
Q--Fave quote: "Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing is like shoveling the sidewalk before it stops snowing" But, I still try. LOL
R--Reason to smile: the little funny moments in life, try to find humor whenever possible
S--Season: Summer
T--Tag 3 people: Terra, Nicole, Angie
U--Unknown fact about me: I do a really great cart-wheel
V--Vegetable you don't like: BRUSSEL SPROUTS
W--Worst habit: I hold things inside instead of speaking them in the moment.
X--Xrays: YES...when I was wrist....broke it
Y--Your fave food: Sancho from Romeos
Z--Zodiac sign: Capricorn

My first blog entry

Wow....I have a blog!! I never really thought about starting my own blog... a friend encourged me to do it. She says it will become a nice way to update friends and family. So here we go... I guess I will just start with what the kiddos and I did today. Mat had to go to work and the kids are all out of school until next Wednesday. Currently I am a stay-at-home mom or SAHM. Hard to believe that I've been a SAHM for almost 5 years now...time really does fly!! Lately I've been itching to get a part-time job, somewhere fun like Starbucks or Gymboree or Barnes and Noble....places I go to anyway. We will see...Anyway, today the kids and I ran a bunch of errands, etc.. Things that you don't particularly like to do but you have to do. Bank, drop off bills, buy toliet, you know. Dylan is such a great help, so nice when he can come w/ us...I'm sure he would have rather been home playing his video games but he's a very easy going kid and didn't complain. Tonight I made taco pie for dinner...YUMMY!! Then Mat and I and the trio laid on the floor and played a mean game of Memory.....sad that 4 yr. olds get more matching pairs than Mat and I!! LOL!! Anyway, thanks for reading this....I hope I did it 'right'. LOL